
Stranger Aeons – By Mike Limatoc


Tonight we bring you a tale of existentialism crafted by our talented author Mike Limatoc.

Stranger Aeons

The parking was nearly barren, save for a few lonely cars parked in the stalls marked ‘Reserved Staff Only’. I could hear a siren echoing somewhere in the distance, knowing in my mind that with the course of current events, it was all to no avail. The glass sliding doors beckoned me inside as I stepped into their view. There was no one initially there to greet me, as there had been so ample a staff just a few short months back. I made my way over to the main desk in the lobby, and began to scratch my name onto the sign-in sheet on the counter. A soft feminine hand met my shoulder.
“Mr. Hawthorne, there’s no need to sign in. I’ll take you right to him.” The nurse was wearing a typical blue set of medical attire, relatively stain free of blood and what else I would expect her to be encountering on a normal basis. She led the way down a long, barren hallway, littered with bits of paper and sheets that lay crumpled across the floor. Each and every room we passed was empty, void of that normal electrical hum that you could hear from a proper room of that nature. “We’re the last hospital in the state that’s still in operation.” Her eyes were empty, staring straightforward as she spoke to me. “There doesn’t seem to be much of a point anymore, not since everything started happening. Not since, he arrived.” She finally locked gazes with me, a forlorn look taking over right when we arrived at the proper door. “You’re the first visitor here this whole month. And you’re still the only one that visits him.” I nodded at her, smiling as I left her standing alone in the hallway, closing the door of the room behind me.
The slow and steady beep of a heart monitor sounded as I entered. I had to breathe deep and control my own heart from going out of control with the fear that started to grip my bones. The same fear we all feel when we meet or experience him for the first time. I wondered when the world would ever see him again, then I turned the corner of the room and saw him myself.
He was thinner than the last time I saw him, a series of tubes and wires jutting from gaunt wrists and bone-thin arms. He was set at an angle against the bed, sitting up just slightly as to not allow any fluid to flood his lungs. Lungs. I wasn’t even sure if he had lungs. He barely skin, if you wanted to even call it that. At times, he was just a skeleton, a, jeering skull peering out from where his face should have been. At others, he was simply human. It all depended on how he wanted you to see him. But now, he just lay on the hospital bed, harsh breaths rasping forth from his mouth every few seconds. His black wings outstretched and perched open beside him, ebony feathers scattered amidst the life support machines. Now, he was just another dying man. He turned his hollow eyes to glare at me.
“There was another plane crash today,” I said under my breath, raising it only when he slowly nodded. “Somewhere in Pennsylvania. Not a single casualty. The plane itself was just a smear on some farmhouse field. Not much more to be said of all the passengers.” I tried to keep the image out of my head before the words even escaped my lips. “They were all still alive. Every one of them. Every twitching piece, every screaming severed face. The first responders tore their own ears off. They couldn’t handle the voices or the screams.”
“How long has it been?” He breathed in as he spoke, coughing out before he continued. “Since I’ve been here?”
“A month.” I had to stop myself from saying more, from remembering all that had happened in that short time to throw the entire world into turmoil. All because of this one man. If you wanted to even call him only a man. “What happens when we lose you?” There was a sound like grinding and grating stones. It was the short following breaths that made me realize he was laughing. I saw his face again like I had seen it the first time: a fleshless, leering skeletal thing that made my flesh crawl.
“Only now are you realizing how much you need me around. Isn’t it sad, that the things we discover we need are only after a time of loss?” Damn it was he right, but in a way I’d never thought anyone could be or would be ever again. We needed him. He made our daily lives worthwhile, gave us meaning where we might only struggle to find it in other places. Perhaps that’s why the world and society as a whole had crumbled in on itself without him, without him, life no longer had any purpose.
“So what happens when the world can’t take any more of this? When the old just keep getting older. When suicides go unaccomplished. When car accidents, train wrecks, terrorist attacks and wars all come up fruitless in their efforts. What happens then? What happens?” I was shouting at him. I never meant to shout. I was sick, inside and out. Sick. With guilt. He answered my emotional outburst with a single, skeletal smile.
“You tell me. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to thank the real reason for this glorious mess. Whoever it was that stole my power, he’s the cause of all this. You need me.” My stomach turned in on itself again, twisting and turning at what I’d done to the entire world. What I’d sentenced all of us to. How I’d damned all of humanity. “You’ve always needed me.” His voice trailed off into a harsh whisper, the bony jaw of his face going slack. The heart monitor ran into a steady tone.
And then and there, I watched Death die.


Hi ON Pixels Explorations : Volume 2 KVLT Rock


Track List:

01 1982 Venom – Track:The Witching Hour from the album Welcome to Hell
02 1982 Pagan Altar – Track:The Black Mass from the album Pagan Altar
03 1984 Slayer- Track: Black magic from the album Live Undead
04 1998 Celtic Frost – Track : Procreation of the wicked from the album Morbid Tales
05 2004 Sun Burned The Hand Of Man – Track Every direction/The first degree from the album No Magic Man
06 2008 Grails – track : Belgan Wake Up Drill from the album Black Tar Prophecies
07 2008 Menace Ruine – Track The Die is Cast from the album The Die Is Cast.
08 2010 Death Spell Omega- Track: Abscission from the album Paracletus
09 2011 Subrosa – Track:Borrowed Time Borrowed Eyes from the album No Help for the Mighty Ones
10 2011 Earth – Track: Hell’s Winter from the Album Angels Of Darkness, Demons oF Light vol 1
11 2012 Chelsea Wolfe Track:Pale on Pale from the Album Apokalypsis
12 2012 Aluk Todolo Track Occult Rock from the Album Occult Rock
13 2013 Altar Of Plagues – Track:Scald Scar of Water from the album –Teethed Glory & Injury


The ‘Ulu‘ulu perpetual archive

Uhane Path of history

In Moke Kupihea’s the Kahuna Of Light, he outlines the importance and tragedy of uhane.

The uhane refers specifically to the life spirit. At death, the remnants of the spirit still cling to the body, but the uhane is not immortal. It dissipates at the end of each generation, unless it is held in consciousness by the following generation.

Fortunately through technology we can preserve much of the rapidly vanishing landscape of our culture through modern archiving.

‘Ulu‘ulu: The Henry Ku‘ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai‘i aims to perpetuate and share the rich moving image heritage of Hawai‘i through the preservation of film and videotape related to the history and culture of Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawai‘i.

ʻUluʻulu is a Hawaiian word meaning collections, assembly, or gathering. The archive is not just a collection of moving image items, but also an assembly of voices, communities, and stories; a gathering place for people to share Hawaiʻi’s culture, traditions and collective memory.

Here is a clip of Representative Jo Jordan with Heather Giugni about `Ulu`ulu: The Henry Ku`ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai`i located at UH West O`ahu.

The Henry Ku‘ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai‘i


Hi ON Pixels Explorations : Volume 1 Post Minimalism



Tonight we are introducing a new segment called the Hi ON Pixels Explorations. We basically select a user submitted genre (this week is Post Minimalism) and select an hour’s worth of tracks form our records. We then play the soundscape at 11 PM Oahu time to midnite for your listening pleasure.

Please submit any genre requests to Hionpixels@gmail.com.

Track list

01 1971 : Terry Riley and John Cale – Church of Anthrax from the album Church of Anthrax.
02 1971 : Kraftwerk track: Franz Schubert from the album Trans Europe Express
03 1984 : 23skidoo -track: Drunken Reprisal from the album Urban Gamlan.
04 1994 : Aphex Twin – track: Hexagon from the album: Selected Ambient Works
05 1999 : COH – track :Silence is golden from the album: Vox Tinnitus.
06 2012 : Pye Corner Audio – track: They Know from the ep single.
07 2012 : Burial – track: Truant / Rough Sleeper from the single: Truant / Rough Sleeper.
08 2013 : Halls – track: White Chalk from the album: Ark
09 2013 : Young echo – track:Jupiter Rise from the album: Nexus
11 2013 : Pantha Du Prince and The Bell Laboratory – track: Wave from the album: Elements of Light
12 2013 : Boards Of Canada -track: Reach For the Dead from the album: Tomorrow’s Harvest.


Zen and the Art Of Traffic Maintenance


On Aug 4th 2013 Honolulu was rated the third most congested traffic city in America.
Traffic itself may seem to be caused by random elements at play…sometimes more, sometimes less.

If there is an accident = traffic occurs
If school is in session = traffic increases
If it’s summer break = traffic decreases
More freeway lanes = more throughput?

Are these the only factors controlling the eb and flow of traffic?

In fact, this a field of study called Car Traffic Dynamics or Traffic flow. Traffic dynamics attempts to use mathematical models with variations of speed density and flow to give order to the phenomena.

Without getting into framework of traffic physics, here are a few rules in plain text that attempt to dispel some of the mysteries of traffic flow.

The idea of easing a traffic jam by slowing down early and rolling through it is a well established on in the field of traffic engineering. Cars have powerful brakes and generally stop five times as quickly as it can accelerate back up from a stop. Once traffic stops, the second row of drivers cannot accelerate before the first row has already moved on. The result is that traffic jams move in waves that go against the direction of traffic and across gaps of about 50 meters or so.

The theory states that, once a column of car stops at a jam and stands still for a given amount of time, it will take five times more for it to return to flowing traffic. This builds up through the entire traffic jam as the cars stop and go. This style also results in increased fuel waste and a great risk of rear-end collisions.

In many European countries, the driving culture is such that dictates that in areas where traffic merges from the right at an access ramp or from a blocked lane, it does so in a “zipper” fashion, where each car from the flowing lane allows one car to merge in before it and then goes. This allows the traffic to distribute 50-50 without hesitations and problems.

Trying to apply this method when you merge or allowing other cars to merge, is a good idea, even if one or two more cars jump on the oppurtunity and push their way in front of you.

Another good idea is to delay and smooth-out the merging action. The less sharper the angle in which traffic is merging, the easier it allows traffic to steam more freely. In merging left, the later you merge – the better. In merging right – the earlier you merge, the better.

So, as you get on the access ramp, don’t just push your way into traffic. Instead, identify the gap you want to merge into and accelerate down the entire slip road while merging at a shallow angle.

If your lane is blocked, you should apply the same approach, but still merge early enough so that you don’t need to slow down needlessly. If you merge too late, you will have to slow down or stop in front of the blocked part of the lane, which will make merging much more difficult.

Using the right lane as legally required does a lot to help traffic flow. In European countries where lane discipline is practiced commonly (due to higher speed differentials between lanes, as speed limits are much higher), you can see traffic flowing at speed in situations where in the US it would start to congense and slow down.

Keeping right and passing on the left is really important. Like with merging, lane changes should be gradual. When you spot a slow-moving vehicle, you should accelerate until you are just two-three seconds short of it, while merging at an angle. Once past it, with a clearance of about two-seconds of a following distance, you should immediately merge back right, again at a shallow angle.

The exit ramp displays the same principle as the access ramp, which is to seclude speed changes, i.e. traffic which is accelerating or decelerating, aside from the steady-speed flowing traffic on the main carriageway. So, just like you are supposed to use the whole length of the access ramp, you are supposed to tuck right into the exit ramp as early as possible, and start slowing down only once inside it and not on the main carriageway.

The separation space between cars helps to reduce the so-called “anti-traffic”, better known as the professional term of “resistance.” When tailgating the car in front, you are in fact blocking your view at the road ahead and cannot see any changes in the traffic flow or any congestions or slow downs. Also, once the driver in front so much as dips the gas or touches the brakes, you will have to brake ever more harder to maintain your small space.

Drivers tend to bunch up, as if driving in a group. In these conditions, you can create a “chain reaction” which will form a mysterious “shockwave” jam hundreds of meters to the back. So, the solution is to keep two FULL seconds at least, and more when unable to stop as quickly or when the driver in front is blocking your view, or in bad road or visibility conditions, or when the driver behind you tailgates you.

Even if other drivers push their way into your gap, it makes little difference, because they will usually be only a few of those, and they usually leave you at least one full second of a following distance, as well as depart quickly and move on up the line. Even if two dozen drivers were to push their way in front of you and remain therein, the loss of time would be a mere minute!

The separation distance is also important at stops. It’s important to slow down and stop early to see that the car behind you, as well as the car or two behind it slows down and stops without shounting your behind. Stopping early allows you to move forward to free up some more space, as well as maneuverability to swerve aside, even to mount a curb, to avoid being shounting from behind. After they stop, you can move forward.

Even with a column of cars safely stopped behind you, it’s important to keep a good few feet, almost a full car length, free in front. Do this by maintaining such a space where you can see a few feet of tarmac separating you from the car in front.

Driving at the speed suitable to the conditions and the speed of the flow of traffic is important. Being slower than the flow of traffic or than the speed suitable to the conditions is not helpful, only harmful.

When traffic congestion begins to build up, speed has to be reduced so that the jam is allowed to “free up” before more cars can be fed into it from behind. This is why some highways are monitored and have electronically determind speed limits, meant to prevent the traffic from stopping needlessly and to keep it moving.

Being aware to what is around you is really important. You should notice traffic congestions as early as possible by keeping a clearance in front of your car and looking far ahead to the front of the queue. It’s also about checking the mirrors, interior and side mirror – frequently.

For general use, you should check your interior mirror every five seconds and your side mirror/s every seven seconds (i.e. two second after you check the interior mirror), which means a mirror check 10 times per minute. In thin traffic you can reduce this to five times per minute and in heavy traffic to fifteen times per minute.

You should also recheck mirrors at least twice at each lane change (before the lane change and once while merging), and when slowing down – slow down early and check mirrors at least twice. Also check mirrors before junctions and interchanges. Try to play with the gaps to keep a clear space to one of your sides at least.

A good gap behind is when, at speeds of up to 30mph, you can see the head-lights of the following vehicle. At higher speeds, you should see its tires and at even higher speeds you should see some of the tarmac between the two of you.

It’s important to accelerate freely at access ramps or lane changes, but it’s important not to accelerate quickly in congestions, because it might make you brake just a minute later…

Slowing down early, even if you do stop, is important because it gives you time to check your behind and allows to manage the traffic behind you and form a slow-moving column. If you slow down early enough, you will still be moving at speed when the car behind you catches up with you and when the car behind it catches up with it. This protects your behind and allows you to lead them through congestions.

In closing to quote the British mathematician Jacob Bronowski
“Man masters nature not by force but by understanding” In this understanding we may also appreciate the disorder and complexity of Traffic Flow.

Further reading :

Physics of Green Waves

M.I.T Mathmatical Traffic Models


The Watcher in the Reef – By Mike Limatoc

The path

Dreams are a reality that all of us experience. Regardless of the setting, the people, or how crazy the situation, we all have our own stories to tell from the dreams we’ve had over the years. This segment is meant to expand your consciousness, to open your mind and let your own dreams flood this world and change our own reality. For these are worlds that I have visited in my own mind and sleep, that I share with you. I am the Wanderer of Dreams.

The Watcher in the Reef

Ever since I was a little girl, the ocean has been an important aspect of my life. The salty smell of sea air, the funny way sand felt between my toes, and the soothing, peaceful sound of the waves as they crashed ashore were all poetry in motion for me. Now don’t just assume that I’m some stereotypical, slacker surfer girl that jumps every wave she sees. No; my place is and has always been beneath the waves.

I remember I was six when my uncle took me snorkeling for the first time. I still revel in those first, exploratory moments: the magnificent colors of all the fish and how graceful they danced across the reef, the sheer awe that there was so much beneath the surface that not many people got to see. It was unspoiled by people, one of the purest forms of natural beauty. When I was ten, my mother bought me my first aquarium. Of course I made it into a salt water aquarium. I reeled at the fact that I could know take a piece of my underwater sanctuary home with me. First came the hermit crabs: easy enough to collect, plucked from the tide pools by delicate hands like plentiful ripe fruit. As I got older, my collection skills sharpened exponentially. I began to catch yellow tangs, six-lined and Christmas wrasses, and even managed the occasional raccoon butterfly fish. By the time I was twelve, I was an expert aquarist, as skilled with a catch net as an artist with his brush. I had five aquariums, each of them at least fifty five gallons strong. Every single fish and invertebrate in my collection I had caught with my own hands; I had no need to visit a pet store. My friends would tease that I had more specimens in my collection than the zoo and the local aquarium combined. I would just smile. I’m glad they admired my miniature family.

As anyone knows, nature takes it toll on human flesh, regardless of the environment. Mine’s was no different. Being in the sun for that long, I regularly got either horrible sunburns or magnificent tans. My mother used to tease me that I looked nothing like my Japanese ancestry, more akin in skin tone to a sea lion than a person. I laughed it off, but oh how much better it would’ve been to be a seal. More careless, and carefree. Even more obvious were the scars I received on my arms and legs from snorkeling so close to the reef. It was inevitable: if you swim near rocks, you’re gonna get cut up. People used to tell me how awful they must have been, but I found them much more positive. For me, the cuts and scrapes were marks of pride, as if the reef had felt comfortable enough to reach out and caress my skin. They were much more than scars, they were badges of honor.

I remember the day I first came out here, however long ago it was. The morning started just like any other. I got up early, as the sun was rising. Beautiful, clear sky. Cloudless. Perfect. First I did was check the tide charts on my calendar. I saw was that it was a full moon that night. The waves were going to be a bit rough. The curve in the chart pointed that it was best to go in just after noon. I gathered all my buckets, filled to the brim with everything I needed to enter my realm beneath the waves. Snorkels and masks, heavy nylon gloves (for turning over rocks), rubber-soled reef walkers, a myriad of nets, even special wax ear plugs to keep the water out of my ears. With one fell sweep, I tossed all of it in the back of my rusty old pickup truck and drove off.

After twenty minutes or so of driving, I reached what I used to call the “Jungle Path”. The only way to get to my favorite diving spot. It was overgrown on all sides with spreading vines and groping tree branches. Anyone that wasn’t used to that path would’ve probably gotten the shit scared out of them. I used to welcome the sight of those plants, challenging them to do their best to keep me away from my second home. Managing to grab a hold of all those buckets at once, I made my way through the foliage and towards freedom.

That day, the journey seemed so much longer than normal, the greenery much thicker and more difficult to traverse. It was strange. I know now why that was so, but first I must continue my tale for you. While I still can. After an eternity of searching and pressing onward, I had finally made it to the clearing. Sunlight burst forth as I parted that last annoying tree, nearly causing me to drop my buckets as I tried to shield my eyes. Then I saw it, exactly what I had longed for. There, in front of me, was the clear blue body of water that I craved to enter. Surprisingly enough, despite my earlier prediction and research, there were no waves. No surf. No rough waters. Just the calm glassy surface that I was eager to dive beneath. After setting my buckets down on a comfortable spot in the sand, I pulled the gloves over my scarred, delicate hands and strapped the floating catch bucket to my wrist. Tightening the mask over my face and putting the snorkel into my mouth, I nearly sprinted to the paradise before me.
The water was so wonderfully warm as I nose dived into it. It was so clear, I swore I was not beneath the waves, but above them in the sunny noon air. The only thing that convinced me I was underwater were the fishes. There was an array the likes of which I had never seen before in one single location. It was as though I were watching a rainbow swim before me, flashing, darting, all in unison. There were orange shouldered tangs, the stark royal blues of imperial angel fish, fire red tomato clownfish, the chocolate and white spotted Harlequin Sweetlips and others I had never even seen before. All of these fish shouldn’t have even been in the same environment! But I didn’t realize that at first, the beauty was too captivating for my then simple mind to comprehend the absurdity. It was as though they were hypnotizing me, drawing me further into the depths before me.

I remember emerging from the water, catch bucket in hand, finally realizing that I had not caught a single thing in my awestruck stupor. Then, it hit me hard, with the horrifying speed of a runaway swordfish on cocaine. A stench like I had never experienced before, and doubt I will again in my current state. Something was rotting, and had been for awhile. Clenching my nose shut, I shielded my eyes from the sun with my other hand and searched the rocky protrusions above the water to see if I could discover the source of my nausea. There, I saw something. On one of the rocks a few yards away, just on the edge of the beach. A lump of something, flesh maybe? I remember walking closer, the stench getting stronger with each step. The horror is still with me today. As I made my way closer, I realized, to my relief, that it was not the corpse of a human being. That would’ve probably driven me to the point of insanity, oh the irony! No it wasn’t a human body. From what I could make out, it looked like it used to be rather large tiger shark. Probably about eight feet from nose to tail fin. Well, whatever was left of it. It had to have to been there for at least a month, probably longer, much longer. The flesh that was left was already falling down in horrid strings, like a macabre curtain covering pallid insides. Wait. I remember now. Something else was off about that shark. Oh, how could I have forgotten? Yes it was rotten and had probably been attacked by scavengers and like, but one thing stood out above all else. Its body cavity. The skin looked like it had been ripped completely clean from the belly, and all of its internal organs had been removed, and presumably devoured. Yes this could have been easily done by stray dogs or sea birds, but I had never seen it done so cleanly. Strange. How did I forget that?

Something nearby caught my attention almost immediately after I had found the shark. Another rock formation near by, but this one didn’t seem quite right. It looked different. I still can’t describe it, but none of the other rocks in the area were like this one. And when I turned back to examine the remains again, I felt an unnerving twinge on the back of my neck. Like I was being watched. Intently. By a presence greater than any other I’d felt in my life before that. And I remember now, when I turned around to see what it was, nothing. There was nothing behind me. The strange stone was gone. I abandoned my curiosity for the corpse, grabbed my things and ran as fast I could back towards the path.

It felt as though I had been running for hours. The jungle never seemed to end, trees reaching out to mock me, pointing in all directions as if trying to throw me off the course. And then I finally saw it: an opening, sunlight reaching through and penetrating into the eternal darkness around me. I ran even faster, hope filling my heart that my escape was nearly at its end. When I broke through into that clearing, what I saw nearly drove me to madness. I was back. At the same beach I had tried to escape from. I remember my mind whirling in confusion. Had I turned around by accident? Did the thick foliage confuse my direction? Did I really go in a circle? I saw the sun slowly setting in the distance. Then all I saw was darkness.

The beach was still in front of me, in a strange midnight glow caused by the full moon in the black sky above. I slowly lifted myself from where I had fallen in my confusion. Despite it be being so late, I remember being able to see almost everything around me, and it was what I saw next that may have caused my insanity. There in the shallow water, not but ten feet in front of me, was the odd stone again, centered directly in my field of vision. But this time, it was different. It was moving. Slowly, it rose from the shimmering blue water, a shapeless mass against the calm sea. It was frighteningly humanoid, with the exception of an enormous bulbous head that pulsed slowly in the darkness around it. Two glowing white spheres appeared, probably its eyes. I then felt the strangest sensation. My thoughts weren’t my own anymore. I knew why this being was here: it was protecting the reef it called its home. And it was calling to me, beckoning for me to join its unending quest. That’s where my mind turned, I think. But I can’t be sure.

I awoke suddenly, nearly being blinded by the mid-day sun. Apparently, I had blacked out and fallen into the sand. Maybe it had all been a nightmare, a strange concoction of the mind and my surroundings. Oh how I sometimes wish now that had been true. I shook off what I thought to be merely a dream, geared myself once again, and dove into the water. The same array of magnificent fish surrounded me once more and I felt at peace with all of them. I saw, in the open water, a blue ribbon moray eel, a very rare find, to say the least. Let alone swimming freely in water. I swam after it and managed to corner the little guy in an odd rock formation. When I looked up to follow his movements, the reef had a surreal nature about it. I abandoned my quest for the eel and turned my focus to the rock he had just swam past. The shape, the texture, everything about the protrusion I was touching told me the same thing. I was looking at a human skull. But I knew that couldn’t be, it was attached to the reef, just another part growing out of the now dead coral, itself even covered in algae and other reef life. I even tried to pry it free, thinking maybe it was just stuck in. No, it couldn’t be. It was just another piece of rock that dotted the reef. I swam off, confused and a little creeped out. A shiver raced up my spine, and a familiar thought entered my head. Was I being watched again?

I emerged from the water empty handed again, freeing my catch bucket from its payload of nothing but sea water. I removed my mask and snorkel and put them back into one of the larger buckets. Looking over to the horizon, I finally realized just how long I had been out; the sun was already beginning to set. I turned back to the reef, and there, directly in front of me yet again, was that same strange stone from before. Fear gripped me and I froze in place, trembling, knowing all too well what was coming next. It rose slowly out of the water, just like in my dream. But this time was different; I could see all of it. The creature was tall, seven or eight feet out of the water with still more beneath the serene surface. Its skin was patched with enormous, grotesque barnacles, breaching in and out of their bone colored shells. What I thought to be a humanoid form in my dream was actually four pillar-like tentacles that held it so high in the air. The being’s bulbous head throbbed like a heart torn from a recently dead cadaver, its slick skin reflecting the red-orange twilight sun. Those eyes. I remember first seeing those pasty white eyes. No pupil. No expression. Just milky globes beckoning me closer. Against my will, I began to slowly walk forward, towards this grotesque source of my dread. The cool ocean water quickly covered my feet as I made my way closer and closer. Screaming in terror deep inside my mind, I met the creature, face to face, eye to eye, and went on to embrace its slimy form. I remember now, becoming one with the protector of my true home.

Now here I am. A part of what I always was. I am the reef, and the reef is me. My bones have long since abandoned me, becoming drawn to become a part of the rocks that dot the area of my watery abode. My eyes have long since lost their emotion, glistening now like pearls of the sea. My arms and legs now dangle around me like a twisted curtain of malformed flesh. I am perfection. I now guard from whence I once stole for my own. All the creatures of this reef, this sanctuary, now turn to me for protection.

Why am I telling you this, you ask? Because I’ve seen you. I remember when I was like you. When I left the land to explore the sea. This is a warning. Take only what you need. Leave the precious things as they be. For you are under the gaze of the soulless eyes of the watcher in the reef. All life has come from the ocean, and someday there it shall return. Some, sooner rather than later. Perhaps one day, you will find your place. Just as I have finally found mine.

By Mike Limatoc


E hanai `awa a ikaika ka makani.


The grain (Alcohol) and the grape (Wine) in both ancient Greece, and the present millenium, it has been credited with the powers of inspiration and destruction.

In Hawai’i and throughout Polynesia we have a cultural alternative.

Awa:”Awa (Piper methysticum, pronounced ah-vah with the “w” as a “v”sound), a member of the pepper family, grows in the wild now and is also cultivated increasingly throughout the Pacific Islands, where it is called Kava or Kava Kava.

This plant grows well at low elevations where there is constant moisture and partial sun. More than a dozen varieties of `awa were known in old Hawaii.”

Currently ‘Awa is grown in Vanuatu, Hawaii, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Pohnpei, and a few regions of Papua
New Guinea.

” Hawaiians view kava(‘Awa) to be very sacred and have incorporated kava in a wide variety of religious
rituals. In these rituals, kava would be used as an offering by a farmer for the success of his
crops .Kava(‘Awa) consumption by all Hawaiians, while limited only by supply, was endorsed by chiefs,
village elders and healers to promote social ability and social cohesion.”

As described in the history of Kawa Nakamalathome.com

All parts of the plant contain a relaxant or sedative element. However the roots which are grinded down to a fine powder. This powder is then used to make the ‘Awa drink.

Depending on the freshness and plant variation, ‘Awa can have a earthly bitter texture. Coconut water, or black tea can be added to distill the flavour.

It is recommended to drink ‘Awa in one gulp.

Here is a instructional video on ‘Awa (kawa making)

My perrsonal ‘Awa preparation process:

  • Buy ‘Awa / Obtain ‘Awa – I generally obtain by ‘Awa from the University Stop.
  • Use 1 gallon of water to 3/4 bag (I use cheese cloth)
  • Let soak for an hour or so.
  • Start kneading for 15 minutes.
  • Strain ‘Awa, and store in gallon size containers, refrigerate.
  • If the ‘Awa is cold, it will be smoother and slightly stronger.
  • I buy my ‘Awa from : The University Stop

    View Larger Map

    Further reading and sources:
    Kava by Rex
    Image by Hawaiian Plant Detectives


Neil Gaimans Non Autobiography Autobiography

Neil Gaiman's hometown of Portsmouth are to rename a road in honour of his writing career. The road leading down to the sea will be renamed The Ocean at the End of the Lane!

Neil Gaiman’s hometown of Portsmouth are to rename a road in honour of his writing career. The road leading down to the sea will be renamed The Ocean at the End of the Lane!

“When I was a child I knew terrible things. But I knew I mustn’t let adults know I knew. It would scare them.”
– Maurice Sendak, in conversation with Art Spiegelman
The opening quote of Neil Gaiman’s Ocean At the End of the Lane sets the tone for the Non Autobiography Autobiography.

This non autobiography, is rather a journal entry of Neils first hand accounts when he was a child in the old country.
Much like a Hayao Miyazaki experience, the narratives throughout this book draw parallels with many of the challenges facing Hawaiiana lore in our new landscape: urbanization, cultural integration and Mythos relevancy.

The best books and movies, I feel, should leave you altered for the rest of your existence.
Much like the Zen quote:” A drop of ink into a pond forever changes the water and can never be removed.”

I cannot recommend this book enough.


ABUNDANT LAND – Documentary by Natasha Florentino


ABUNDANT LAND is a broadcast length documentary about a Hawaiian community’s efforts to heal their island from the ecological damage caused by industrial agriculture. Monsanto, Mycogen and Syngenta operate fields of experimental genetically modified seed crops on over 1200 acres of Moloka’i. These fields are using limited farmland and depleting fresh water while causing dust storms that spread unknown pesticides and contaminants onto neighboring schools, homes as well as the reef off shore. Community members are standing up to these large agro-chemical companies by demanding transparency and organizing for GMO labeling legislation in Hawaii.

Please support this Documentary by contributing to the Kickstarter project.

Abundant Land Kickstarter


The Hawaii Turntable Alchemist.


Alchemy, even at its origins has been about transmutation. From the esoteric Hermetic, who through various forms of transcendence attempted to reach the bodies state of perfection, to the modern day chemist who attempts to transform molecules to produce everlasting energy.

Both practices use elements as a foundation and produce wonders through transformation.

DJ Sho’s periodical table is his vast record knowledge and influences of music styles, transformed into gold by his turn tables and DJ skills beyond measure.

I had the privilege of meeting this modern day alchemist and asked him about his craft.

When did you start DJing, how did you start and how long have you been doing it?

One night in 1997 when I was in high school back in Pittsburgh, I went to a house party and that was the first time I saw a DJ in real life. I literally stood there and just watched the DJ all night thinking to myself, “that’s what I want to do.” I was amazed on how he was mixing with vinyl and going through crates of records looking for the next song to play. Then, I remembered hearing him scratch. I was stunned! I didn’t have the money to buy my own set at the time and I remembered going to the downtown pawnshops every chance I can to look at turntables and mixers hoping one day I’d have them. By my senior year, I finally save enough money to get my own set. My friends and I would practice almost every day after school. We slowly got better and better. For the first 2 years, I was pretty much a bedroom DJ. I eventually started working for a mobile DJ company for about 3 years and then for the last 9 years working at various nightclubs here in Hawaii, San Francisco, San Jose and Las Vegas.

Do you have a particular style of DJing?

I still consider myself part of the old school generation. I grew up learning on vinyl. I also favored the turntabalist side of DJing. That is, I love to scratch and juggle records. It has an added visual performance to my sets. I also grew up listening to a lot of soul music like Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, etc… So during my sets, I love to scratch some tracks hear and there but at the same time, I love sampling old tracks where people could recognize that certain melody, hook, or instrumental. Lastly, whenever I can, I try to play some “Golden Era” artists like Beastie Boys, De La Soul, Rakim, etc…

Who would you feel is the crème de la crème DJ of our time?

Without a doubt I feel that DJ Qbert is the “crème de la crème” of all the DJs. He takes it to a new level when it comes to scratching. Just when you think there’s nothing else that can be created or done, he showcases something from outer space. He keeps inventing new scratches and combos all the time.

Can you name some of your influential DJs?

Two of the DJs who have influenced me are DJ Qbert and DJ Packo for their scratching and creativeness. They both take it to a new level and always inspire me to achieve the same level as them. Next would be DJ Craze for his ridiculous juggling routines. I love the group C2C for their “soul” style and their performance as a DJ group. Locally, I enjoy listening to DJs KSM, Eskae, & Delve for their amazing library of music. They always play hidden gems.

DJ Q-Bert

What was the one the most difficult challenges you overcame in DJing?.

By far, the most difficult challenge I had to overcome was the first time I entered a DJ battle. I had already been DJ’ing in clubs for a couple of years and was very comfortable with it. But when I entered the first Mai Tai DJ battle a couple of years ago, I was so nervous. My hands couldn’t stop shaking for the first couple of minutes during my routine. My heart was pounding knowing that almost all the DJs on the island was there and all eyes were on me. It took a lot of nerve to walk up onto the stage. But I’m glad I did it and the next couple of battles weren’t as nerve racking as that first time. I would recommend that all DJs try to enter as much battles as they can. It built up my skills and eventually got my name out there more which ended up getting me more gigs.

Dj Sho Scratch Video (Go Dj)

What’s the best way for someone to start the craft? How important is it to find a mentor?

It’s a lot easier now to start learning it. Back when I started there weren’t many people doing it, so it was difficult to practice. Nowadays, there are so many resources for upcoming DJs. The setups are cheaper now; it’s easier to DJ with just a laptop and a hard drive filled with mp3s, compared to carry around a hundred pounds of records. Also, youtube is very helpful for anyone to learn any aspect of DJ’ing. I still do recommend a mentor. Nothing is better than a one-on-one training session. My mentor is DJ Big John. He’s been DJ’ing for..I don’t know how long. He’s from the old school era. He taught me a majority of what I know now when we worked together at The Celler back in early 2000s.


How has DJ’ing evolved through the years? From the Sugar Hill Gang to the C2C franchise?

Just like everything DJ’ing has evolved with technology. Before, all you needed were two turntables, a mixer, and your favorite records. Now, with the introduction of Serato and Traktor, DJs store all their music on their laptops instead of lugging around crates of records. This makes it easier for DJs and they have bigger libraries when they go to gigs. Nowadays, you don’t even need a turntable, which weighs about 35 lbs. Another thing that was introduced to DJs was the midi controller. This gave DJs a chance to become more creative with their sets, which eventually led to the new type of DJs called “Producers.” With their midi controllers and programs like Logic, Sound Forge, and Ableton they are to create songs and beats live during their sets.

What is your gear setup? What do you use?

The tools of the trade are two Technics sl-1210MKII, Rane TTM-57 mixer, Vestax PMC07 mixer, Sony 7506 headphones, pair of Shure M44-7 needles w/ extra stylus’, and an Akai MPD26 controller. At home I use vinyl but for gigs I take my Macbook because it’s a lot easier to bring music plu,s it’s not as heavy as one crate of records. I get my music from a couple of online subscriptions sites I get free subscription because I’m a club DJ. A subscription can usually run a new DJ about $50 each.

DJ SHO scratch clip

How do you see DJing in the next 10 years? Technology, Styles?

In the next 10 years, I feel that a lot of new devices will be introduced to DJs. New battles will be created because of technology. For example, the famous DMC battle were usually held at different cities every year. But now they have enabled online submissions, so that everyone can enter without having to travel to another city or country. But for DJs like myself, I will always stick with turntables and stay true to the old school ways.

Where can someone go to see your shows or hear your mixes?
Every other Fridays at Pearl Ultra Lounge at Ala Moana Shopping Center and every Saturday at Rumfire, located in the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel.

DJ SHO at Live Lounge at Pasadena

Complete the sentence: I will survive the zombie apocalypse by…

…going down a hill on a fixed gear and pray I can keep up with the pedals.

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